Reflective Writing
This Blog talks about how the story My brothers peculiar chicken relates to the typical Filipino family lives.
The story makes me confused, but this story relates to the Filipino families. Between the wife and husband they sometimes argue, my parents can relate to that too. Usually parents fight because of different reasons but they we all forgive each other at the end of the day. In my opinion I think its like the Balitao/Balitaw dance in Visayas. According to research Balitao/Balitaw is a type of folksong originated in the visayas island of the Philippines it is a form of a dialogue or debate in a song in which a man and a woman compete at improving romantic verses.
Other than cultural dances, gambling is also a part of the story. In the story the two brothers and all the men mentioned usually go to sabongans to watch or gamble. Information from Wikipedia, Sabong is Cockfighting, locally termed sabong, is a popular pastime in the Philippines, where both illegal and legal cockfights occur. Legal cockfights are held in cockpits every week, whilst illegal ones, called tupada or tigbakay, are held in secluded cockpits where authorities cannot raid them. I find this a waste of time cause they are wasting money.
The society now, is problematic. The government is very corrupt. This pandemic is never ending. In the story I don't really have enough proof of how their society is, but I know that its the same. It doesn't have a pandemic but our country is still very corrupt. Our country, The world is getting worse to be honest, I just hope that in the future things will eventually change.
Table etiquette, table etiquette is used by mostly every family in the Philippines. In table etiquette you have to pray, no phones, no arguing, no feet on the table, or talking inappropriate stuff not meant to be talked on the table, etc.. In the story the brothers argue in front of the food until their mom interrupted cause that wasn't proper table etiquette. She did the right thing cause I was once told that by doing table etiquette it shows how grateful you are for the food that God has given you. I myself sometimes forget table etiquette but when I think of Jesus and how died it makes me remember cause he died for us.
I learned that Filipino families are really respectful. I also learned that our cultures are really cool even if some are a waste. Its just how they use their time.
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