Intramurals is a fun-filled event that shows competition between students and promotes teamwork. Providing opportunities for physical activity, teamwork, and social interactions. During this intramurals, I was able to feel all sorts of emotions and felt quite sentimental when I found out it was ending. The team I was in was the Golden Lions, though I wasn't able to join in a lot of games, I still showed my support by cheering them on. I regret not joining the other games as I realized how fun it was. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed my time because I was able to make new friendships and learn new skills.

The amount of pressure felt during this experience was through the roof. The competition was strong but so was the companionship. Despite the losses, my team accepted the defeat and improved to do better. Each of us showed support which I really admired. A memorable game I played during intramurals was chess. It was my first time playing chess seriously, I was very confident because I thought I knew how to play but realized soon later that I was bad at it. I’m still impressed with how I learned the game quicker than expected, though I still need practice. I was able to win against other teams which makes me proud of myself. 

I also appreciate my friends for supporting me! I had some friends in different teams but despite the team difference, we made sure to play fair and cheer for one another. Some friends even came from their exams just to see us play. The additional support made me even more confident to do well. 

Overall, the intramural experience was very rewarding. It provided opportunities for physical activity, skill development, teamwork, and social interaction while fostering camaraderie and healthy competition among students.


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